Alameda County Calls Off Curfew Order, 1 Day Before Expiration

Alameda County Calls Off Curfew Order, 1 Day Before Expiration

Alameda County Calls Off Curfew Order, 1 Day Before Expiration

ALAMEDA COUNTY, CA — The Alameda County Sheriff's Office announced Thursday morning that it had rescinded the 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew order established Monday, set to remain in place until Friday morning.

Under the curfew, everyone in the county was prohibited from being in public during the curfew order, unless they were workers in select professions such as the police or fire services, or traveling to or from their home, workplace or medical services.

Anyone who violated the curfew could be subject to a $1,000 fine or jail time, according to state law.

Many local governments in Alameda County set their own curfews in response to widespread looting, vandalism and arson. The sheriff's office asks the public to check with their local government to see whether they are still subject to a curfew.
